This project was made for Delta Calgary Airport Hotel.The artwork drew inspiration from the beauty of Canadian flight maps and the cool, beautiful tones found in the rugged, foggy northern wilderness. This focal piece evokes a sense of movement and place, honoring the busyness of the airport and the locations a traveler could be heading. As Grand Image's Lead Digital Artist and Content Manager, I was responsible for overseeing the production of this artwork and art direction. Prior to production, I quoted all commission projects by estimating project hours, address any technical issues, determine budgetary constraints and project scope.

This artowrk was made by Mimi Payne under my direction as the Lead Digital Artist and Content Manager at Grand Image from 2020-2022 under the art direction of Kate Maass, Art Director at Grand Image. Designed by CHIL Interior Design for Delta Hotels. Photography by Eymeric Widling.